Pyramids for Beekeeping
Soon we'll have a more updated page, specially dedicated to apitherapy (therapy in humans with apicultural products), as well as therapies and pyramid treatments for beehives. Various experiments are being carried out with which we are going to enrich the already nourished accumulation of therapeutic achievements in Cuba, where it has been possible to eradicate ascosferosis and other bee diseases and increase the production of honey.
Little by little, beekeepers are joining in, learning how pyramid and antipyramid are used to treat various bee diseases. The beehives infected with varroa or ascosferosis recovered spectacularly without having to burn them. Knowing the number of benefits achieved in humans, we can deduce how powerful pyramid therapy is to treat hives. They are left free of infectious bacteria, just as humans, plants, or animals of any species, without contraindications or undesirable side effects.

We can permanently treat the hives INSIDE the pyramid by building beehives with a pyramid shape or placing them inside a structure. Not affordable for beekeepers in this modality, but there are plans to make them cheaper. The other form of treatment is with antipyramid, with great benefits obtained with few pyramids or even a single one, depending on the number of beehives to treat. The sessions are currently made of 45 minutes to disinfect the hives, adding a 20-minute session during the night for a clean effect on the bees and not only the beehive.
With this, it's possible to increase bee activity; therefore, a visible increase in production and - although it's subjective - there are reports of notable improvements in the quality of honey. It's also interesting the report of some beekeepers on significant activity in pollination carried out by treated bees, both inside the pyramid and in the antipyramid; this is due to the increased vitality of the bees, which translates into more intense work. It has nothing to do with any special effect of the pyramid energy in those bees that make them "select better" or anything like that. It's merely pollination enhanced by increased activity. In some cases, the increase in honey production has exceeded 30% more than the optimum level.

It's estimated that the production of hives that permanently remain within a pyramidal structure, increases between 35% and 45%, in addition to the medical advantages themselves, like the absence of putrefactive elements in bees and beehives.
In Cuba, due to the shortage of aluminum, they use pyramids of very poor quality. Even so, with different precautions than with ours, their pyramids have managed to eliminate ascosferosis and other pests throughout the Island.
We are aware of the serious global problem that beekeeping has and that the disappearance of bees could cause nothing less than the extinction of life on the planet. GMOs, other invasive species, wasps, various diseases, geobiological problems caused by HAARP, electromagnetism, and different kinds of pollution ... Anyway, with the pyramids, many improvements are achieved, at least locally. GMOs have made beekeeping populations disappear almost entirely in various states of the USA and Canada.

Until now, what has been achieved with our pyramids (Hygias and Horus), is to increase the honey production by about 20%, which is not the most important thing, since what is really important is the elimination of varroa, ascosferosis, and other pests of bacterial etiology.
Varroa takes a few weeks of treatment to disappear, but ascosferosis disappears much faster, and it's also possible to use the pyramids as a preventive treatment, as well as to stimulate the beehive.
With big pyramids, placing the entire beehive inside, the same is achieved, and production can increase up to 32%, according to a few friends who use them. The problem is that the quality of the aluminum we use is costly, so most beekeepers prefer our small pyramids, with which practically the same is achieved, although with a few more hours of dedication. For example, an apiary of fifty units will need at least ten Horus pyramids to maintain excellent health. The application will always be in the antipyramid mode. But the exposure time has to be with discipline, not more than half an hour in preventive mode and not more than fifty minutes in cases of treatment of varroa, ascosferosis, and other infections.
We don't know to what extent the pyramid can help in those other problems that are not diseases, such as the geopathies that appear random in some places. Still, we know that the biological impact of ionizer waves such as telephone antennas, and magnetic fields of high-voltage lines, on humans, bees, or any other user, decreases.

As for attacks on the beehive by other species, such as wasps, etc., if they are not saprophytes, it will be no effect against these invaders. It will only be the further recovery of surviving injured bees.
The damages produced in the bee population by chemical agents will reduce to some extent. Still, we cannot "ask the elm for pears;" if the agent is a potent poison, the pyramidal effect may be insufficient as in many cases of agrochemical applications near the beehive.
The solutions at a global level, apart from the use of pyramids, which is expanding little by little, are that beekeepers unite against the production of agrogenic agents and the use of agrochemicals as much as possible.
Scientists must work here, to be heard by politicians; beekeepers are, to a large extent, those destined to defend Humanity through the protection of bees, fruits, vegetables, grass for animals; everything we eat that comes from agriculture depends directly or indirectly on the existence of a healthy and abundant population of bees. They don't give us just honey; that is the least of it, although it's essential for the beekeeper economy.
Piramicasa Gabriel Silva