✠ Pyramid Vital ✠
The Pyramid Vital is 11x11 meters, or 121 m² of a ground floor and 7 meters of total height. The upper level has 25 m² useful.
Two floors. Two bedrooms on the ground floor. The second floor is a bedroom or office with another bathroom.
Distribution of interiors: Depending on the land's location to take advantage of the sun, winds, etc. And according to family composition.
The option for a garage and a laundry room under the pyramid. As corresponds to the antipyramid, staying in the area is only safe with the CES prepared for this purpose, which is different from the standard grill in a Pyramidhouse without a basement.
This Pyramid Vital can be attached with important advantages, forming larger models such as GIBUR (two attached pyramids), GIZE-4 (four attached pyramids,) or complemented with pyramid model SEKHMET in itself constitutes a complete habitat with different options.

Pyramid Vital: €74000
NOTE: Our prices are orientative, they don't include shipping costs.
Shipping will variate from country to country and from region to region.
Our prices do not include importation tax that the client may have to pay in some cases.
Please contact us for a final price.
1) Pyramidal structure in aluminum of extreme metallic purity.
2) Grill of Discharge or Control System of Effects.
3) Right Soldering machine for our aluminum.
4) Detailed blueprints for construction, electrical, etc.
We also provide the client with online research of materials and labor in the area to know the Pyramid's total cost according to the client's requirements such as Jacuzzi, windows, blinds, or other accessories, Jacuzzi, etc. It can also be prepared to be converted into Faraday Cage, against electromagnetic solar storms, etc.
Time: The pyramid can be assembled one week after the base is built. Approximate construction time: 40 days (depending on weather and construction options).

Example of an estimate of labor and materials for the client to buy and hire locally:

Base: 3600 euros
Structure welding: 5700 euros (material and labor)
15 mm exterior marine board: 7300 euros
Internal tongue and groove or phenolic: 7300 euros
Special silicone outer cover in two layers: 4400 euros
Thermo-acoustic insulation between surfaces: 2200 euros
Windows, doors, and interior partitions: 3600 euros
Electrical and sanitary installation (labor and appliances): 4000 euros
Total carpentry labor: 5900 euros
Total labor and materials: 44000 euros
Vital Pyramid kit (The soul of the Pyramid): 74000 euros
Shipping: 35000 euros
Final cost: 153000 euros
The construction of pyramids is a technical and medical responsibility.