Pyramid Orientation

1) The Agona should not be confused with the Isogona Cero. The Isogona Cero is a line with the same magnetic declination that crosses the world from pole to pole (magnetic of course), and there are only TWO (the Panamerican and the Panasian that also cross Australia, Europe, and Africa).
On the other hand, the Agona is a COINCIDENCE line between the orientation indicated by the compass (Magnetic North) and the Geographic North.
2) Throughout the Isogones Cero, we know that the variation in declination will be insignificant for millennia or at least for many centuries since factors of the magnetosphere intervene in its formation; such factors are always affected by the continental structure and composition of the earth's crust.
3) The stripes that cover the Isogones Cero are of hundreds of kilometers and have variations of several kilometers from their central locations, but let's say that if I orient a pyramid on an Isogone Cero, I won't have to make corrections in millennia. The farther from the Isogones Cero, the more times I will have to reorient the pyramid, that's why a Pyramidhouse can't be built on a fixed platform (Piramicasa's architects solve all these issues).
A Pyramidbed in Spain, for example, every fifteen days, can show an average of two degrees of deviation. In Galicia and Portugal, it can reach three degrees. It's not something constant, it happens sometimes, but it doesn't take any effort to turn the Pyramidbed a bit to reorient and have the full effect.
4) Many people have built pyramids without proper knowledge, in some cases abandoned or demolished because the materials were inadequate and caused effects contrary to those intended. (One in Mexico, one in Brazil, and the worst in Monte Hermoso, Argentina) But others simply DO NOT WORK. The possibility of having an extraordinary preventive and curative therapeutic apparatus is lost.
An example is the famous pyramid of the Louvre.
It has an approximate deviation of 21º 38 '.
48 ° 51'39.87 "N 2 ° 20'09.35" E

In summary, there are many "disoriented" people in life, who don't yet know that the pyramids work with the Earth's magnetic field and extract all the effects from it. However, with a pyramid, we do nothing more than replicate at a macroscale a wonderful phenomenon that occurs in the trillions of water molecules that we have in our body ...

Where a pyramid can't function for magnetic reasons, NO ONE should stay or sleep.
For those who don't use pyramids, this test can end diseases caused by geobiological factors.
If you have doubts, don't hesitate to contact us.
This TEST with a compass must be done by yourself since the geopathic and local magnetic anomalies can't be seen in the maps.

Keep in mind that for magnetic reasons you can sleep head to the north (optimal), south (good), or east (good),
but you should avoid sleeping with the head to the west.

Always on the hand, never on the floor or on furniture that may have screws, nails, or other metallic parts. It is held at the waist height, chest, or near the face, but avoiding buckles, collars, or any metals. A minimum distance of half a meter from the walls and floor.
ALWAYS the physical compass is more reliable, the ones you can buy at any store. The best are those of Scion "dry", if they have liquid, "without bubbles." DON'T TRUST the compass of the mobiles, which go with the GPS and not to the Magnetic North.
Making sure there are no important magnetic anomalies.
You can "walk" around the room as indicated by the arrows or in any order, but methodically, reading at least nine points.
You can use chalk to mark on the floor or make a sketch.

If the compass marks the North in all the points of the room (logically forming parallel lines in the reading), then there is no inconvenience whatsoever. Some small deviations are reasonable.

If instead - as in this other image - we have a mess of readings where the compass marks different North in each place, we have a picture of magnetic anomalies "geopathic" that is: "place of the earth that produces diseases."
In 1300 cases (until June 2014), we have only encountered three of these geopathic anomalies. Two of them were solved by installing the Pyramidbed in another room because in general, it's almost impossible for a pyramid to work under these conditions. In the other case, the house was affected by intense geopaties, and we couldn't assemble the pyramid there. Its occupants had to abandon the house since upon discovering this problem, the history of the place was discovered: All the people who have lived in that place have fallen ill in a matter of months.
So, you SHOULD NOT LIVE, or at least you should not sleep in places where a compass gives abnormal readings. The majority correspond to nearby groundwater, to the metal structures of the building (which reinforce natural geopaties, etc.), or a combination of both. In other cases, the problem is combined with knots of the Hartmann and Curry networks, although these, if they are not very intense, don't usually affect the function of the pyramid.
There are exceptions when, for example, the compass is only altered at one spot in the room, close to a wall or a beam or a metal mass such as a radiant stove, in which case we will see if this anomaly is only at that spot. In this case, the pyramid will work, as long as it's not on that spot, or if the anomaly is very small. Once we are sure that we can install it without the risk of intense geopaties, we verify that the pyramid fits, and we define the best size, design according to that, and the measurements of the users (height and weight).

Let's see an example
It's rare to find a bedroom with one of its walls -especially the head of the bed- exactly to the North. But regardless if the Pyramidbed fits, the body will thank you with health when sleep correctly oriented, despite the distribution of the environment. The aesthetic of the Pyramidbed is innovative, and in many cases, helps the user to escape from the "square" mentality, with psychological benefit added.
This drawing is a typical case of orientation in apartment buildings. There are many houses where orientation is not taken into account when they were built, or the "planners" drew the streets without taking into account this important factor.
To install a standard Pyramidbed of 2100 mm side (2.1 m), it's necessary in the worst case (orientation at 45 ° to the North), that the room has a minimum available space of 3.2 x 3.2 meters.
- Once, a client wanted a pyramid slightly larger than the standard, but given the orientation, it was impossible. Once confirmed with no geopaties in the room and asked the height of the users, it turns out that he is only 1.63 m and she 1.55 m. So they didn't need a standard size pyramid, and 1915 mm resulted enough.
The side of the PYRAMIDBED must always be 25 centimeters larger than the user's height, but we try in all cases to make the difference a little bigger for more comfort.
- Another exemplary case, was a pyramid of 2.1 meters that didn't fit. If the user's height was less than 1.75 m, it would have been possible to install one of two meters, but he was taller than that. Without these simple conditions of orientation, we cannot expect a pyramid to work. We have had orders from customers who didn't want the Pyramidbed for its effects, but for simple aesthetics. We refuse to install a Pyramidbed where it can't function properly.
In any case, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.