How do Pyramids work?

Pyramids were, are, and will be very revitalizing therapeutic chambers. Their effects have purely physical causes; they are not tombs but devices that treat and prevent several diseases. They are the best remedy for any flu and many rheumatic, sclerotic, traumatic, and physiological diseases.
"Pyramid energy" is terrestrial magnetism modified by the pyramidal form. Some ascertainments require from a simple to a quantum laboratory. Their research has demanded significant amounts of financial investments and the lifetime work of many.
The pyramid forms a "vortex" that causes particles to move within the pyramidal magnetic field with a centrifugal tendency. Then, the atomic tensions of the center of the pyramid are centripetal and tend to be negative. That quantum "negativity" attracts neutrinos, which are absorbed by the atoms of the exposed bodies (materials, humans, etc.). These atoms complete and recover mass, therefore forming more stable molecules. That is why organic decomposition and oxidation of biological or inert materials are inhibited.
Plus, in the pyramidal magnetic field, the particles move faster than in any other magnetic field of any form. Then, free radicals and any "loose" atoms are dragged outward. Oxidation decreases, as explained in the previous paragraph, but also by the absence of free radicals.
Pyramidotherapy may not be the absolute Panacea, but it's the closest thing to it.

The pyramid being the geometric, physical, mathematical, and alchemical symbol of Creation, fulfills several functions such as:
Energy accumulator
Matter restructurer
Interplanetary landmark and Astronomical Observatory
Initiatic Temple
Geomantic regulator and
Therapeutic instrument.
Let's see what interests us at this practical level:
When the pyramid has the right conditions, it works as a magnetic accumulator because it's, as we said, an apparatus analogous to a gate, in which part of the electronic flow of the telluric tattwas and nadis of the planet remains.
Magnetic lines tattwas, exteriors, and interior nadis - be it human or planet -.
These electrons are trapped in the magnetic field of the pyramid until reaching a density inside, which by their arrangement forms a kind of "magnetic network," which capture neutrinos, due to the relative magnetic vacuum effect within the "Pyramid Egg" (internal vortex of the field) concerning the rest of the magnetic field. These subatomic particles are fascinating travelers since a neutrino could cross billions of kilometers of lead shielding or any material. They pass through planets without the least resistance. But they can be trapped in the pyramidal magnetic field because they get involved in it, orbiting like one more electron.
1.- There is no solid, liquid, or gaseous material capable of offering resistance to it. Still, its journey affects matter by ordering its molecular structures, especially in water, formed by five H2O molecules forming a pyramid.
2.- It travels slightly higher than the speed of light (300,000 km per second).
3.- It's part as an element, among others, of all atomic particles (electrons, neutrons, and protons) but also as a stable element with differentiated characteristics in the chakras of the human and animal's vital body. Possibly even in vegetables, although its role in plants hasn't been studied, we deduce that if it doesn't do so in the Vital field, it's evident that it does so in the chemical plane.

4.- When an area is saturated with neutrinos, many genetic defects are corrected, ordering the atoms under a universal pattern of harmony. Although its mass is 13.7 to 14.7 million times less than an electron, its influence is surprisingly more significant in proportion.
5.- In living cells, the electric current delays the aging process (because it eliminates free radicals and rearranges damaged or distorted DNA chains), but it seems that neutrinos contribute to this phenomenon. Moreover, the accelerated dehydration stops decomposition processes in dead cells. Still, some phenomena can't only be due to dehydration. Neutrinos retain and improve conditions without deteriorating other dehydration methods, both in plants and in meats.
6.- There are several kinds of neutrinos. We could say that several kinds of subatomic particles with similar or equal characteristics enter into this denomination. They cover a broad sector of the highest part of the vibratory spectrum. Although they're found at rates close to the Human Auric Egg, they visibly affect the physical, mental, vital, and astral bodies. Contrary to what was supposed until 1999, Neutrinos have a charge and mass 13.7 million times smaller than an electron.
7.- The vibrational rate of the magnetic field in which the neutrinos are involved is increased by their own vibrational characteristics - much higher than that of the electrons and protons together - and the harmonic acceleration of the atomic cycles acts as an assistant in the intake of energies (matters) even more subtle, like "Prana" in all its modalities. Prana is simply all forms of supersubtle matter or energy that a living body takes advantage of for its functioning. Prana is food, water, air, but more specifically, it's "ether," as scientists call the "spirit" as a substance whatever its manifestation. Remember that matter and energy are the two forms of "spirit" as substance. The matter is energy in a state of relative rest, and energy is matter in a state of relative motion.
The pyramid, once correctly placed, begins to capture electrons that incorporate into its field, which becomes increasingly powerful. Thus, forming inside, the "Pyramidal Egg," which is a kind of "relative magnetic vacuum," where electrons from the telluric magnetic field don't cross or do so very quickly, and other particles from solar radiation, etc. barely manage to pass. Consequently, neutrinos occupy that place by natural tendency. The accumulated "neutron energy" serves every major body or superior organism, as we said, under universal harmony patterns; therefore, organisms benefit thanks to "selective asepsis," in which bacteria, viruses, and all microorganisms of a distortive or pathogenic nature die.
Remember that these destructive microorganisms do not exist in the Universal Mind of the Absolute. In the Creation of the Logos, only symbiotic bacteria (which interact beneficially) with higher organisms, or saprophytes (undo organic waste). But the parasitic bacterias (which attacks and make a body sick to death) are not in the "Universal Plan," they appeared as a result of genetic manipulations at some point in the long history of the world.
Sleeping or living inside a Perfect Pyramid produces:
More vitality, by tensioactivation and molecular restructuring, and accumulation of bio-energy (ORBs).
Higher organic resistance, antirheumatic and antisclerotic effect due to molecular restructuring.
No harmful effects with our materials (Warranty). For healthy or sick people of all ages.
Cellular life prolongation (anti-aging) Due to its antioxidant effect without chemicals.
Prevention and or cure of most human, animal, and plant diseases.
Invulnerability to infectious bacteria. Due to its bacteriostatic power.
Deep relaxation and the correction of sleep disorders.
It's a matter of awareness and priorities.
We spend a third of our lives in bed.
The pyramids have many functions. Piramicasa makes them for living and or sleep in them so that you will achieve real, concrete, and extraordinary results based on scientifically certified effects and without undesirable consequences thanks to the material we use.
1.- All aging processes are slowed down, with no side effects. The anti-aging effect occurs in all organs, every cell of the body. There are reports of menstrual period recovery in women with more than three years of menopause after a few months of sleeping in a pyramid.
2.- Nothing rots inside a pyramid; therefore, infectious bacteria can't thrive. As a result, a person is safe from bacterial attacks that cause most of the known diseases. Thus, in the face of a biological war, the risk would be minimized or nullified since viruses depend on the lysate of bacteria and putrefaction. That's why those who sleep or live in properly constructed pyramids can't experience influenza or any of the diseases so common in the population.
3.- The accumulation of organic energy (large amounts of neutrinos) produces quantum completeness in the atoms that make up our bodies; the organic effect manifests as greater vitality, less vulnerability to a broad radiation spectrum, and natural correction of organic liquids and solids.
4.- As a result of the above, the organic functionality of all living beings is optimized. It prevents molecular degeneration that produces the so-called "degenerative diseases," as well as rheumatic ones, and in acute cases such as wounds or burns, cell recovery accelerates significantly. It prevents all kinds of infections; the crushed or broken bones are repaired quickly, which in most cases even prevents scars.
5.- It inhibits infectious processes that cause acne, suppurative hidradenitis, hyperhidrosis, eczema of any biological etiology in their pathological form (impact is minimized and accelerates healing in eczema of chemical etiology.) Septicemia may never occur in users who live or sleeps in a pyramid. Still, people who don't have their body "pyramidalized" can successfully fight acute septicemia within a few days of therapy using an antipyramid.
6.- Due to the muscular and nervous toning resulting from all of the above, most sleep disorders disappear. The pyramid doesn't replace a massage, necessary in cases of contracture. Still, the result of a massage session will be several times more effective when the person sleeps in a pyramid or when previously treated with an antipyramid. Its effect is evident in ailments such as fibromyalgia, which disappears in weeks or months, or multiple sclerosis, which takes longer because generally fibromyalgia is only the prelude to sclerosis. We clarify that there are cases in which the pyramid has failed to stop the process of multiple sclerosis, which seems to have many possible etiologies. Some of them are not influenced by the pyramidal effect, mostly those of the psychosomatic type.
7.- We must consider the next factors, which make the Pyramid Revolution in the world.
a) It's not invasive and works thanks to the Earth's magnetic field.
b) It doesn't consume electricity and is respectful of the environment.
c) For any therapist or non-hospitalized individuals, it's easy to apply.
d) In many diseases, it's much more affordable than current treatments, producing, among other effects, the balance of the biomagnetic pair.
e) It doesn't create dependency of any kind.
f) It lacks side effects in some forms of application and no risk in others by trained therapists or well-informed individuals.
g) Its bacteriostatic effect can fight even the "super bacteria" that have been warned by scientists, with the anticipation of being the leading cause of death over any other. The pyramidal treatment destroys all these bacteria without the risk of selective strengthening or new strains.
h) It's compatible with any other therapy and generally adjuvant to them.

1- PYRAMID VS ANTIPIRAMID: A person shouldn't stay above or below a pyramid (except in its therapeutic application.) There is no risk in the case of pyramidbeds in modern buildings because it's very easy to avoid the formation of antipyramid. Ideally, to treat water with pyramidal energy, it should be placed at a third of the height (if the pyramid is three meters high, the most appropriate location is one meter from the floor). In general, the most significant benefits are within the central dimensions of the structure.
The pyramidbed or pyramidhouse should be oriented to sleep with the head towards the north to take full advantage of the effects of magnetic current. During the eight or nine hours of sleep, the body will continuously be "swept," eliminating free radicals. The activity of the magnetic field produces segregation of distortive atomic elements (heavy ions, free radicals of oxygen and every other gas, electronic excesses, etc.), and such segregation occurs in a 15% above and 85% beneath the pyramid, forming their respective "antipyramid," which aren't "virtual" but material, we can't see them. Still, magnetically, they are very real and effective.
There are no neutrinos in the antipyramid; instead, all the other particles that would produce the opposite effects of pyramids in a certain way. So it's not that harmful stuff accumulates under or over the pyramid since the same telluric magnetic field disperses them. Still, the amount of these at some point is enough to cause discomfort, depending on the characteristics of the pyramid.
Many therapists treat their patients under a small pyramid. These treatments with small pyramids are performed in short periods, achieving results similar to electromagnetism or the biomagnetic pair but without risks when respecting its use. Currently, the combination of both applications has a remarkable success. But, it's not the same to remain under a very large pyramid.
2- CAMERAS AND GRILLS OF DISCHARGE: The underground chambers (beneath a pyramid) facilitate the distortion of magnetic flow while maintaining certain functional levels, helping to avoid discomforts that, although benign, some susceptible organisms can have. That's why the builders didn't worry about beautifying or revoking the walls of the underground chambers. In the pyramids, either due to its aluminum structure or the metal contained inside (structure, artifacts, etc.), the accumulation of static exceeds acceptable levels, so by installing static discharge grills and slowers of the heavy-ion flow, all magnetic excess is discharged there. To do this, keep in mind that the grill is not a very simple design.
In our pyramidal houses, because they are pyramids for residential use, the grills will be three:
a) Control of magnetic discharge.
b) Lightning rod and metal structure, and
c) discharge of the electrical installation, having the spears with an adequate distance from each other on the land.
The pyramidal constructions' dimensions, characteristics, and location were not out of random factors but took all the necessary knowledge for their multiple purposes. If interplanetary navigators arrive on Earth, they'll find a vast amount of geological data in the pyramids that the mass of this civilization does not know for many reasons. Lately, several teams of serious researchers have made important discoveries, resonating with frank Love for the Truth. We have discovered, among many other things, that:

1.- The size of the largest pyramid of each set is proportional to the land area of the continent or subcontinent in which they are (at the time they were built). Concerning other groups, being the case of Earth, Cheops, the largest and fundamental parameter, because 30,370 years ago Africa had a greater land area, now occupied by the Indian Ocean, and several parts of Asia were submerged. The meridian that crosses them divides exactly -as when they were built- the land surface in two, of the whole world, towards the East and the West, and with some difference (the smallest possible geographically and strategically) towards the North and the South. Possibly, at some time, it divided North and South exactly, if we consider the difference mentioned above in Africa, plus the remaining islands of the sunk Atlantis, about fourteen thousand years ago.
2.- The exterior of the Egyptian pyramids was covered with large white limestone stones of various thicknesses, which made all faces perfectly flat. In addition, they were coated with hieroglyphics whose content we know very little today. More than the climatic factors, the destructive hands of several civilizations made the entire cover disappear, recently finding some of the stones being part of houses of ignorant people who used the pyramids as simple mines.
3.- The faces of the mistakenly called "Cheops" aren't four, but eight, because they are "split" in the middle forming angles of just 27 minutes (the circle has 360 degrees and each degree divided into 60 minutes, and these in 60 seconds). Eight are the Metaphysical Principles. Eight are the Spheres of Consciousness. The Eight represents the infinite, and all the finite manifests itself in pairs of opposites (Principle of Polarity). In addition, this imperceptible division for the naked eye produces the "lightning effect" or Heliophany, seen in the spring and summer solstices, at 06:40, in which the shadow of the west edge of the South face, moves from left to right (from East to West) for about 20 seconds. Afterward, the western part illuminates, and the eastern part is in darkness. This effect is also seen during the equinoxes, at approximately 5:20 p.m.
4.- The accuracy of measures and techniques applied in constructing the pyramids - especially those of Cheops, Kephren, Miserinos, and the two pyramids of Snefru - is impossible to achieve even in the best times of the IV Dynasty. All the later ones were made with distant remnants of the knowledge used in the first ones.
5.- The units of measurements used on the pyramids and the distances between them, the sarcophagi in the inner chambers, etc., are measures of both metaphysical and astronomical importance. They applied the "pyramid meter," equivalent to 1,047901 m, and its half called "Egyptian elbow," 0.5236 m, which corresponds almost exactly with the quadrant of the earth meridian. They also knew and applied wonderfully the universal mathematical coefficients PI and FI. PI is 3.141652 ..., and FI is 1.618 ..., whose inverse is 0.618 ... and its square is 2.618 ...
6.- The pyramid is the most earthquake-resistant construction. Our Pyramids can resist winds of up to 250 km / h. In addition, the pyramidal complexes are arranged to allow many astronomical appreciations. There is enough to write an entire encyclopedia.
The therapeutic uses are widely indicated in the book "Revolución Terapéutica de las Pirámides" by Dr. Ulises Sosa Salinas and Gabriel Silva, and many more technical and archaeological data in "Tecnología Sagrada de las Pirámides."
Piramicasa Gabriel Silva