A compass to orient or align a Pyramid
There is a basic rule. You should never forget your compass inside the pyramid. But how does the compass work? Well, it works because it's unbalanced. One tip of the needle is magnetized, and the other is not.
The pyramidal effect clears us from many pests and protects us from almost all of them because it produces a constant Biomagnetic Pair at 0.5 Gauss. We function correctly when our particles, atoms, molecules, cells, and organs have their magnetic fields in balance. Every functional imbalance of any etiology has a physical foundation, and it's magnetic. Viruses can hardly attack in a magnetically balanced medium, oxidation is difficult, and decomposition is inhibited.

It seems paradoxical, but to use the pyramidal effect to produce that beautiful balance, we must use an unbalanced element like the compass. So the basic rule is the most important thing that a pyramidologist should know, the compass should never be left inside, below, or near a pyramid. It has to remain outside the pyramidal field, which can cover up to a length of the base. If I live in a pyramid house, I can't have compasses inside because the pyramid will produce a magnetic pareo and leave them useless quickly. But we need the compass "sick," unbalanced, to work for us. If you sleep in a Pyramidbed, you can't leave it nearby, and it's even convenient to store it in another room.
Use dry and needle compasses, preferably. Those of immersion in a liquid usually fail when they have an air bubble. So let's see the compasses.
This model is dry with a needle, but the quality of these keychain gadgets is usually poor. They work as long as they are on one piece, and often, a squeeze in the pocket is enough brake them. However, if you don't have a better one, these compasses are reliable. They can cost between three to ten euros at gas stations and other non-specialized stores.

We recommend this one. It's dry, has a firm shell, doesn't break easily, and the magnetization of the needle won't contra-pole. They are made to work well and last long. Of all the ones we have used, these are the best, most reliable, and resistant. As they are large, it allows you to see the line that indicates the degree without using magnifying glasses as with the small ones. However, it requires some practice. Orienting a Pyramidbed for the first time may take a minute but can be done in five seconds with practice. Of course, to orient a Pyramidhouse, we will not use a compass, but a topographic station, a surveyor with a theodolite.
I have nothing to do with the Silva brand, but they happen to be very good. It's used for navigation to work on maps, and although it's in a liquid medium, it's the only exception in liquid, even for working with pyramids. In addition, they have a model with a small level, allowing more precision, with a minor error of half a degree.
These can be between 15 and 40 Euros; it depends on the model and where you buy it.
If you want to move to a higher quality, you will have to think about spending more than one hundred euros. I have some of those very special, Dutch and German, with a bronze body, dry, on a stem, with level and other stuff, but it's not necessary to spin so fine. Whichever of these three compasses works with pyramids.

These needle compasses in a liquid are not generally good unless they are specialized brands for map navigation or military production. If they have a bubble, they are no longer reliable for point navigation or orienting our pyramids. A small bubble will cause the needle (or worse when it's a disc) not to indicate correctly, having deviations from five to 15º, depending on the size of the bubble. Even if they don't have a bubble, I don't know why they don't work. Some had to be destroyed, as we do with every compass that does not indicate correctly. I had to throw away a batch of twenty that I bought - many years ago -. None worked well. I checked them using four very good compasses from other brands. It's curious that the Chinese, the oldest users of compasses (and I have one of the year 1300 approx.), manufactured millions of bad compasses. But of course, not all are bad, and some are very good, you can buy them in Chinese markets from five to twenty euros, with diverse quality. In summary, these in liquid can help, but they are not reliable. Not recommended to work with pyramids, and you don't want them for navigating in the desert. But I would use them in the jungle.
For those with a disc, one part is magnetized, and the other is not, but when there is more contact between the ends, the magnetism ends up going to the other half of the disc, not working anymore practically DO NOT WORK at all. They are made to last little.
In the needle, it's more difficult for that to happen because the field has another shape.

These compasses for keychains, also larger to put in cars, are a box with liquid where a sphere swims and indicates the cardinal points. But they have practically no use, more than knowing - more or less - where you are going. They don't work with pyramids. I would only use these compasses if I have to go by boat or plane to the poles, in which case I will have to consider the declination, but they would allow me to enter the hollow poles of the Earth without losing my way. If you're not interested in that topic, because your thing is to orient pyramids, also discard this model.
Mobile compasses have several problems.
a) These devices usually have magnetic components that always affect APP compasses if they interact with the phone's magnetic sensor. In addition, some have magnets on the covers, so nothing will work well related to the magnetic sensor unless you remove the case.
b) The APP magnetic sensors to detect fields, in microteslas or miligauss, usually work better than the compasses (as long as you remove the case if it has a magnet, sometimes these are "invisible" in the clip). I use these APPs to make checks, but never better than a compass without the phone.
c) Some APP compasses work only with a data connection; they will mark the geographical North, not the magnetic one. So these are not useful for anything practical because they won't work if there is no satellite connection.
Piramicasa Gabriel Silva