Antipyramid Treatment
The pyramid is the "INTERIOR" of a pyramid. The lower antipyramid is what happens BELOW the pyramid.
For now, we advise not to use the top anti-pyramid until we understand better its effects.
Sweeps(excludes) the free radicals
Receives those radicals and accumulates them
Accumulate neutrinos
It doesn't accumulate neutrinos
It's selective bacteriostatic (it prevents the reproduction of parasitic and saprophytic bacteria)
It's non-selective, It's bactericidal (kills all bacteria, including symbiotic bacteria)
It activates and orders all organic processes and prevents putrefaction.
It activates some biological processes and delays others. It also prevents putrefaction.
You can stay inside for as long as you like. The more, the better.
Only short exposures can be performed, with small pyramids.
Its effect is slow and gradual, depending on the materials. It is sedative but not analgesic; The pain disappears only as of the disease remits.
Effect more powerful and fast than the pyramid. It's formed before the pyramid has visible effects. It is sedative and analgesic.
It's formed whenever the pyramid exists with its requirements (paramagnetic material, correct orientation, leveling, proportions, etc.)
It's not always present, even if the pyramid is working, metals on the floors, etc. prevent it from forming.
It doesn't have known contraindications
YES it has contraindications, and it's recommended its use only by therapists

As deduced from the above, although both are therapeutic, with a PYRAMID made right, no precautions need to be taken, and the more time is spent inside, the better. But with the ANTIPYRAMID, we have to be careful, that's why we only recommend its use to doctors and therapists. The antipyramid is used for intense treatments, emergencies, and primary care. Applications of antipyramidal pyramidotherapy, have precautions to be taken.
You may be interested to know the progress on Antipyramid, applied in professional medical and therapeutic offices. See article.

Our pyramids can be used on various antirheumatic localized therapies, traumatic, infectious (especially bacterial), acceleration of healing of external and internal wounds, bruises, sprains, and lumbar accidents. It can also be used to treat plants affected by various fungi, to treat food, seed, and some medicine preservation, liquors and dietetic products, as well as to preserve laboratory samples without decomposition. We don't know if it has a direct effect on a virus, but it's proven to boost the immune system.
Like any pyramid, to work must be oriented with one face to the magnetic north, using a compass. There is a noticeable loss of effect with five degrees of diversion, and with more than eight degrees, a few pyramids work depending on where they are standing.

Read the information carefully before you start using a pyramid.
If you have any questions, consult Piramicasa (Vital Pyramid) to get in touch with doctors or therapists trained in the use of the product.
Anyone who uses our pyramids, including the elderly and children (with the medical supervision of an adult trained by a physician,) must follow the instructions of the use of antipyramid in each case and for each particular therapy.
Don't use them within a meter from large metallic masses such as stoves and radiators (except aluminum). Should be kept away from household appliances, except for an MP3 player or similar of small size.
Keep more than two meters of mobile phones and microwave ovens during their therapeutic use or in their function as food or seed preservation. Near microwave emissions and intense electromagnetic waves can reduce the effectiveness of the pyramid.
Apart from the proximity of microwaves or mobile phones, geopathies (intense Hartmann knots, crosses of Hartmann and Curry lines, etc.) can reduce or even cancel the function of the pyramid, even if it's well oriented. Normally, it will be enough to move it one meter in any direction to make it work. These geopathies are found in nature but are also caused by structures of buildings built without geobiological knowledge. When a pyramid Hygia or any model does not function properly, it's indicative of a powerful geopathy, where the place should not be inhabited by people, dogs, or other higher sensitive animals. Mobile phones are not affected or affect the field of these pyramids, but it is recommended not to use them within two meters during their use. Likewise, it's recommended not to install them too close to the walls, avoiding as much as possible the proximity of electrical connections and cables. These pyramids are made of aluminum, which is paramagnetic but a good electrical conductor, so they must not come into contact with any element that can produce an electric shock.
INSIDE of a paramagnetic pyramid, you can be as long as you like, but BELOW corresponds to the use of ANTIPYRAMID (the field that forms below the base); it must be done strictly under the guidelines described in this section.
Do not apply to people who have ingested alcohol excessively because it would delay the metabolism of the alcohol.
Do not apply Antipyramid in patients with pacemakers unless under medical supervision. Pacemakers work perfectly INSIDE a pyramid but may have alterations UNDER or ON TOP of the pyramid.
Do not use the area above the pyramid, except for innocuous experiments. The TOP Antipyramid possesses qualities not deeply studied like the INSIDE and the UNDER antipyramid.
Don't expose psychotropic, barbiturate, or cardiac medicines or those which the effect of their doses is directly related to the time of metabolization. Natural essences and liqueurs increase their quality, while artificial ones, bad liqueurs, or fake wines decompose, returning to their original chemistry.
In case of decomposition, dizziness, and or nausea when applied to the abdomen, it's not necessary to stop the therapy but to interrupt the session, decreasing the next one in half the time, then increasing progressively. These symptoms may appear in hypochondriacs or hypersensitive to magnetotherapy. There are no age restrictions, and they may apply to children and the elderly. In pregnant women, it's advisable to avoid abdominal application, except with medical supervision in case of infection or injury. The recommended maximum session time on the fetus should not exceed 10 minutes.

"Interval" means the time between the end of one session and the beginning of the next.
The basic guideline is TWO HOURS but can change in some cases.
Legs and arms: 50 minutes per session, two hours interval
Note: In cases of septicemia, it can extend to 90 minutes during the first two or three days, according to medical criteria, then suspended when it's confirmed that the infection stopped. In uninfected wounds, sprains, etc., 50 minutes.
Lower abdomen (genital organs): 20 to 25 minutes per session.
Note: Time is in the function of serious infections. In non-serious chronic infections, the time can be reduced to 15 minutes, and perform one daily session more.
Upper abdomen (Intestines, stomach, liver, kidneys): 15 to 20 minutes per session.
Note: Renal problems can be treated up to 25 minutes per session during the first three days, generating a vital stimulus in patients with dialysis due to chronic dysfunction. Then the time is reduced, at a rate of one minute per session, up to 15 minutes. (Prone decubitus). Intestinal infections can be treated up to half an hour (supine decubitus) during the first day of sessions, decreasing at a rate of one minute per session from the second day, up to 15 minutes. Liver problems are preferably treated in combination with phytotherapy and homeopathy (especially with lemon juice if the patient doesn't present intolerance to it). The antipyramid will act in sessions of 15 minutes as an adjuvant, accelerating the chemical changes without interfering with the actual drug.
Head: Never more than 5 minutes.
NOTE: Infections can lead to double the time, up to 10 minutes on the head for otitis, gingivitis, headaches unrelated to liver dysfunctions, or magnetic factors, such as the use of a hairdryer, causing over ninety percent of migraines and chronic headaches. If inflammatory processes from infections caused the problem, apply up to 10 minutes, but if the inflammation is traumatic (recently injured or wounds), it's preferable to stay in the 5 minutes but shorten the interval to 90 minutes (one hour and a half) until the inflammation has resided. Most of the time will only take two sessions to eliminate the inflammation. In this case, it is considered an emergency since the thrusts to the head require complete attention in the shortest possible time to diagnose and avoid complications. Any of the treatments recommended by the traumatologist may be accompanied by sessions of antipyramid, with a minimum time pattern of 5 minutes.
Thorax: 10 to 15 minutes per session.
Note: The use of antipyramid in the chest isn't recommended if the patient has a pacemaker, but hasn't been shown to cause interference. The patients may use pyramids for sleep, but with antipyramid, there are not enough tests performed on the devices or pacemaker volunteers. If there is no pacemaker, cervical problems, herniated discs, chronic contractions, hernias, and infections in general, anywhere in the chest can be treated.
General Notes

1) A maximum of TEN MINUTES of exposure is recommended when the heart, head, or thyroid are treated directly or indirectly. If there are not infectious problems, always stay in FIVE MINUTES.
The pyramid (inside of a paramagnetic pyramid) has no restrictions or contraindications for healthy or diseased when made like ours, of high purity aluminum. On the other hand, the use of antipyramid (the field formed under the plane of the base) does have some contraindications, which despite not being as dangerous as medications or other therapies, can cause unpleasant symptoms and slight damages, as it has some resemblance to magnetotherapy, even though we are using the Earth's magnetic field. To avoid these unpleasant symptoms, it's enough to consider a few but essential guidelines and recommendations.

2) The antipyramid has more powerful and fast effects than inside the pyramid; therefore, it's recommended to use it under direction and medical criteria. Until this therapeutic modality is more popular, and with enough medical personnel prepared to supervise it, at least these differences between the two modalities must be respected, and the antipyramid must be used with responsibility.
3) The intervals between the end of one session and the beginning of the next one are usually TWO HOURS. It's because there are cycles of flocculation of colloids in the cytoplasm, and both pyramid and antipyramid slow down these cycles, lengthening the cell's life. But the antipyramid can stop these cycles more of what is convenient for the cell. So, until more precise data on the antipyramidal effect in these processes are available, it's preferable to avoid exposures longer than 50 minutes, as well as leaving - always - two-hour intervals because that's the time the process of flocculation in the cytoplasm is entirely normalized.
4) Special care must be taken with the endocrine system since it's the most sensitive to pyramid therapy. The nervous system and the heart muscle follow, but this last one deserves special attention. A maximum of TEN MINUTES of exposure is recommended when the heart, head, or thyroid is treated directly or indirectly.
5) The maximum recommended exposure is FIFTY MINUTES for the extremities (feet, forelegs, legs, hands, forearms, and arms). Depending on the affected area, etiology, level of involvement, and general medical judgment, a therapy involving the right shoulder should be of 50 minutes as long as the heart is not too close to the central vortex. Therefore, the left shoulder can't be treated with that exposure time, unless the medical criteria indicate it as a serious condition such as infections or large wounds that deserve at least a more drastic attack therapy.

6) The area of the abdomen, depending on the severity of what is treated, will oscillate according to medical criteria between 10 and 40 minutes (attack therapy) decreasing as soon is observed the first signs of therapeutic progress. Taking into account that we are affecting the gonads and several secretory organs, which, although they belong to the reproductive or digestive system, have interaction and or direct relationship with the endocrine system, since they are large secretory glands.
From the point of view of molecular physics, the complexity of these organs (liver, pancreas, vesicle, ovaries, or testicles) is enormous compared to the rest of the body. The fundamental causes of the pyramid effect are the molecular restructuring of all matter - even of the microcrystals minerals -, from which derive the absence of putrefaction, the higher solvency and lower oxidizing power of water, as well as the elimination by the magnetic exclusion of free radicals and all quantum trash. Thus in the organs of very complex chemical and biological activity, the effects will be more remarkable, and the changes will be more significant than in the rest of the body. It will result in very therapeutic symptoms but annoying and strange to the patient.
The endocrine system presents the most strange symptoms with antipyramidal therapy; therefore, it's necessary not to overextend the times, since an imbalance in the endocrine activity implies some risk.

7) The torso area has fewer hypersensitive parts than the abdomen. The lungs perfectly support a prolonged therapy and may even exceed 50 minutes (because their cellular dynamics prevent a profound slowing of colloidal cytoplasmic flocculation). Still, the location of the heart in this area makes it impossible for us to reach that time of exposure unless we have the same treatment as the left shoulder, a severe infection whose risk of harm is much higher than the produced by the antipyramid (on the heart.)
8) The head can also receive treatment with antipyramid, but with its necessary precautions. In the case of infections, regardless of the organ affected, it's possible to extend to 15 minutes if there is a serious risk, and it's necessary to stop the infection immediately. But with no high risk, it's preferable to stay within 10 minutes for attack therapy (one day, or about five sessions) and then five minutes to complete the treatment. In any case, the intervals will be two hours for any of the antipyramid applications.

Some patients treated with potent antipyramid on the head have manifested nausea, dizziness, hyper and hearing loss, dizziness, and other symptoms characteristic of magnetic involvement. However, there is no danger as long as there is no pain, no feeling of suffocation, no loss of consciousness. From now, with or without symptoms, the maximum time of ten minutes must be respected. In five-minute sessions every two hours, it has been possible to eliminate - in a few days or even a few weeks - ophthalmic infections, otitis, some dental problems caused by bacteria, as well as headaches and chronic migraines.
9) In infections, rheumatism, post-operative processes, miscellaneous injuries, and almost all osteoarticular conditions, orthopedists are the ones that best benefit from the pyramidal effect throughout the Cuban health system. It's expected that this therapy will rapidly spread because it achieves what other treatments can't, which far exceeds the expectations of both doctors and patients. A sprain that heals typically in between 14 and 21 days with plaster and anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, stomach protectors, etc., with antipyramid can heal in two or three days totally, without medicines or temporary disability. It's enough for a better recovery, a few days of logical rest, with easy walks and sessions of antipyramid of fifty minutes with two hours of interval.

To treat the hips is necessary to make sure not to involve internal organs with the vortex. So, they can also be treated with sessions of between 30 and 40 minutes. Injured hands, and those treated for rheumatic problems, can perfectly maintain 50-minute sessions.
10) Lumbalgia (low back pain), disabling and painful, can be treated with sessions of up to half an hour if we place the patient so that the vortex does not involve internal organs. The intestines are not too susceptible to the antipyramidal effect, so sessions in cases of intestinal infection can have the same duration and posture as the treatment of low back pain. But it should be supplemented by a simple and quick reflex treatment of Su-Jok ("hand-foot" in Korean) that can eliminate the low back pain in minutes: Using orgone acupressure or at least the cap of a pen, search millimetrically the points indicated in the image, which will present with little pressure, intense pain. Once found the spot, continue pressing without increasing the pressure for about five minutes, after which the pain will subside, and the reflex in the sciatic nerve will also be noticeable. For waist pain, the system is the same. The painful reflex point may be in other parts of the hand.
11) Our Hygia pyramids are used as described, but their interior is also used to treat water, natural medicines, homeopathic medicines, seeds, and biological material to keep free of bacterial contamination. It's recommended not to use on psychotropic medications, barbiturates, or cardiac medication, or those where their doses are directly related to the time of metabolization.

Some FAQ

The antipyramidal vortex of the Hygia model (80 cm side) is 17 centimeters below the plane of the base.
The gonads are not right in the vortex unless that is what you want to treat. In this case, the therapist will take special care when treating the genital apparatus (male or female), but in the case of infections, the exposure time should not exceed twenty minutes in the four sessions of the first day (as a way of attack), then reduced to 15 and then 10 minutes, or less according to therapeutic criteria and evolution of the treatment.
In the case of treating the hips, the gonads will be a few centimeters outside the point of the vortex (about a hand). These are not long exposures; about 15 to 20 is fine if the patient is on his/her side and 15 maximum if facing up. There may be some stimulant effect - in males and females - and of course erective in males, which is normal. Sometimes produces relaxation, but we must consider that muscle toning doesn't leave everything precisely very "soft," as there is also an optimization of the nervous tone. The gonads are of all glands, the most resistant to magnetic and electromagnetic changes, while they are the most sensitive to radiations of electrical origin (the problem of the welders). Our pyramids are - even in antipyramid - in 440 Hz, close to the ideal natural frequencies.
A metal ring, a lid of some bottles, razors, etc, do not affect at all. The Hygia model weighs almost ten kg so a few grams of ferromagnetic do not affect. Beer and soft drinks in aluminum cans can be treated perfectly, although sometimes there are some curious phenomena, such as loss of gas without explanation. This is because part of that carbon dioxide can be decomposed, and free oxygen atoms can diffuse through the enamel and aluminum. It will only occur in a few cases, and according to the molecular quality of the gas, the quality of the coating, and the structure of the aluminum since the same quality isn't always used in all the cans. In any case, it improves the taste of the soda, the beer, etc.
The highest care must be concerning the head, which, although done with a maximum of five minutes, should be suspended at the slightest indication of pain or heaviness. If this happens and the hassle continues for a few hours, you must get an iodine tincture (in many pharmacies, herbal shops, etc.) and dissolve about 100 ml in a bucket of water to shower the head). Allow to dry, and keep it on for an hour, then rinse in the shower. It's enough to do it only once in all cases, to remove chronic migraines from days when a steel pyramid was used or excessive time in antipyramid. In case of a bath, fill it and pour 300 ml of iodine tincture and bathe until the water cools. Wait one hour before rinsing the body.
Piramicasa Gabriel Silva